The professional is always right

Our whole ethos, from space design, equipment curation through to service creation is focused on serving health and wellness professionals – the life savers and changers that truly make the difference.

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March 8, 2022

There is a saying in the service sector that “the customer is always right”. We disagree. At Until, we believe that the professional is always right.

Our whole ethos, from space design, equipment curation through to service creation is focused on serving health and wellness professionals – the life savers and changers that truly make the difference. 

The reason we think this matters is that, by serving the professional, you ultimately serve the customer better. That’s because you create an experience and environment that enables the professional to do what they do better. The benefits of that are obvious to all.

In shaping Until we spent hundreds of hours talking to health and wellness experts of all hew and heft to understand what they needed to thrive. We wanted to know what would help them work better? What’s missing from where they’re currently working? What would take their business to the next level? What would truly give them the freedom to thrive?

This led to the creation of a space & service design ethos that is designed for the professional first and the customer second. This meant:

  • Investing in creating brilliant social and connection space for professionals, not customers
  • Focusing on the expert little touches that make a difference to those in the know such as integrating cable pulls into our racks, sourcing the perfect chairs for coaches, adding adjustable lighting to our treatment rooms or building video call booths for hybrid in-person/virtual working
  • Providing affordable and easy access to the very latest health technology
  • Adding an easy-to-use podcast recording facility
  • Building a bespoke member training area to deliver on-going specialist training and CPD for all professions
  • Delivering a super premium customer service experience for professionals and their clients, not just their clients

But this is just the start. We’re not done yet!

Our mission is to keep delivering ever more expert and useful services for health and wellness professionals.  That means we’re constantly in learning mode. So, if you’re a wellness professional then I’d love to chat to understand how we can serve you better.

Just drop me a line at or get in touch via our website.

Let’s keep the conversation going!